Time Travel
Time - A mystery.
Monday, 4 April 2016
Thursday, 22 August 2013
General problems at the speed of light
Today ,I will discuss about change in mass at speed of the light .
Mass limit
On approaching near the speed of light , the object mass starts to increase considerably. After sometime , when the object becomes unstable , it starts radiating energy. The object uses its mass to attain stability and radiate energy. This radiation is simultaneous. It the attains a stable mass. Thus the object mass increase in stable amount and whenever it attains a unstable mass , it reduces it self to the nearest stable mass . Thus , the object mass never reach infinity . Only , its radiated energy increases.
Putting this in the equation
Where hu is the energy of the radiation.
We will discuss about change in length in the next discussion .

Saturday, 4 May 2013
Time -A subject yet to be mastered.
Today, I will discuss about effects of time travel.
1. Why do we see a cup falling from a table and breaking into pieces but not reaseambling itself and againg go back on the table?
2. Why do a man jumping from a 28 floor building dies but not a dead man again going back to 28th floor like reversing a video?
The anwer to these questions is that as the object succeed in time, it change from orderly state to disorderly state. That is why we don't see cup reaseambilg itself and the man reversing to 28th floor.
But what will happen if we reverse the coarse of time .
Will all things change?
Will we see the cup reasembling itself?
Two things can happen.
1. The object will still die or proceed to disorderly state.
2. The object will reverse back to orderly state.
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Space and universe
Today, I will discuss about the real 2d objects and extend it to the universe and the space.
First, I want to explain two dimensional objects. Actually, a two dimensional object is the edge of a three dimensional object. So, the shape formed by the edges of the base of a cube is 2 dimensional. But for conviencience we take plane figures like square as two dimensional.
Now , answering the question which says that whether the space and the universe have boundaries or not.
According to me, the space and the universe have boundaries and the universe is still expanding and will expand forever.
To explain this I will take the example of a cube and a 2 d object.
We know that the cube is 3 d . Now, lets take a small square paper and stick it on the cube . We know that the edges of the paper form a 2d object.
Now, if the side of the square paper is bigger than the side of the cube , it could still be paste on the cube as the extra side of the paper could be folded on the other side of the cube.
So, we see that the 3d object could hold 2d object. If we apply this rule to higher dimension , this rule still holds. So, the universe is expanding in a space which is finite. They both have boundaries.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Expansion of the universe
Hello friends ! We all are curious to know that what is the universe expandind into.So, I am here discussing about it .
For this, we have to consider the universe to be 1 dimension lower than the dimension of the space .
Then we could resolve this problem. This is how it could be done.
Dot- It has 1 dimension.
Point - It has no dimension.
We know that we can draw a line on a page . Here line is 1dimension and the page is 2dimension.
Similarly a square could be drawn on a cube . here square is 2 dimension and the cube is 3dimension.
Similarly a point which is 0 dimension could be drawn on a line .
Do not confuse between point and a dot . They are two different things.
Also, a point could not be drawn on a page . A dot can be drawn .
So we conclude that if the space is 4d then the universe is 3d.[it is just an example].
So the universe is expanding into the space which is 1 dimension higher to it.
We can also have another answer . For this , see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV33t8U6w28&noredirect=1
Please comment.
For this, we have to consider the universe to be 1 dimension lower than the dimension of the space .
Then we could resolve this problem. This is how it could be done.
Dot- It has 1 dimension.
Point - It has no dimension.
We know that we can draw a line on a page . Here line is 1dimension and the page is 2dimension.
Similarly a square could be drawn on a cube . here square is 2 dimension and the cube is 3dimension.
Similarly a point which is 0 dimension could be drawn on a line .
Do not confuse between point and a dot . They are two different things.
Also, a point could not be drawn on a page . A dot can be drawn .
So we conclude that if the space is 4d then the universe is 3d.[it is just an example].
So the universe is expanding into the space which is 1 dimension higher to it.
We can also have another answer . For this , see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV33t8U6w28&noredirect=1
Please comment.
Journey through 4th dimension
I saw that Indians are increasingly taking interest in time travel.So, I will discuss about time travel in this discussion.
- Time travel could be done in many different ways:-
- Traveling through wormhole.
- Traveling at great speeds.
- Traveling around massive bodies.
- Considering the idea of parallel universe.
- Passing through the black hole.
- Making massive bodies to move us.
I will discuss all of them one by one .
Wormhole is a type of a hole which link two different place in space-time.[space-time is only three dimensions of space along with one dimension of time]through
Wormhole could be made by concentrating energy in a single place until a hole is created.
If we are able to make a wormhole , then, we would be able to travel time .
The major problem in creating a wormhole is one that it needs a huge amount of energy equivalent to the energy released in supernova which we will never be able to produce.
Second is that the even if we are able to create a wormhole it opens only for few seconds.
Great speeds
It has been found experimentally and proposed by Einstein theory of relativity that as we move faster
The time runs slower for us. However, this difference in time is very small .
But if we travel at the speed of light then, the time difference in our light clock and other person's light clock is large enough to be noticed. However, because of Einstein theory E=mc^2
where energy is proportional to mass , we could never reach speed of light. This is because that When we approach near to the speed of light , the mass starts increasing at fast rate . As we go closer and closer to the speed of light, the mass starts increasing and at one point it will become infinite. Then we would need infinite amount of energy to accelerate it which could not be achieved.
Travelling around massive bodies
It has been found that when we go around massive bodies the time runs slower.
If we could develop a machine that could go around massive bodies we could travel time.This happens because there is a relation between energy of light and its frequency. As the object go close to the massive body the light looses its frequency due to the gravitational field . So it take more time to reach to the observer. So, it would appear to someone high up on earth that the time is running slower for the people on the earth.
Passing through black hole
Black hole is the region in the space whose density and gravity becomes infinite to such a extend that even light cannot escape from it . If we could make a machine that could travel through the black hole then we could travel time .
Making massive bodies to move us
It is believed that the space is made up of a cloth called the space fabric. Massive bodies like sun push this fabric downwards.
If we go around massive bodies like rotating black hole then we could travel at speed close to the speed of light due to the gravitational pull of the black hole without violating the Einstein theory of relativity.
Parallel universe
It is believed that there exists many universe which are same as our own universe . This theory is the result of the string theory which is yet to be proved.
So it may be possible that a too copy of you and me may exist somewhere in the space.
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